My 6 year old son is being held back in Kindergarten for the 08-09 school year. I have been trying my hardest to get him to sit down and practice with me. I've made up games, added things that he likes,etc and he just DOES NOT want to learn. I've went back to the easy basics with him because he does know them and I thought it might encourage him. He still doesn't want to. I'm at the point where I've taken away the tv and other things he likes to do. He had a hard time keeping up with the other children in his class and was very shy when it came to his school work because his teacher was a nightmare. There were things he'd do for me but not her. He was a preemie so, there's a good possibility that he may have a learning disability but, his pedi says give him time. What can I do? Please help!! Could it be his age? He didn't turn 6 until June.