I have a very bright boy (7 years old), but he has started to refuse to read. Some days he will read really well, and then it's like he just switches off, he won't even read words like and, the, some etc....
In his last school year, he achieved nothing, it's like he just gave up!!! There doesn't seem to be a specific reason why. He liked his teachers, he loved going to school, and he wasn't bullied, he has had tests to check for dyslexia etc and they say he is fine, his eye sight is fine, and he isn't an unconfident little person.
I have of course asked why he doesn't like to read, but he doesn't have an answer, he just gives me the silent treatment, or throws a paddy.
I don't think I have unreasonable expectations, and I am not a pushy parent, I just want him to try.