
How can I get my 7yr old daughter to be quicker in the mornings?

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It's very frustrating...she wakes up when her alarm goes off but stays in bed. When I finally get her out (sometimes by physically lifting her out) then she takes forever to do the rest! I've tried setting consequences for her actions, eg. banning her from playing her ps2 or computer for the day, but that just causes her to complain and tell me how mean I am. It still doesn't seem to get her moving. I think she's past the age where I have to do everything for her. There's no problems at school, she loves going there. Help!!!!




  1. First I don't think you should argue with her. I don't have one problem with my kids in the morning. I have 2 girls ages 9 and 11.

    Tell her to get up. If she doesn't then get her up!! Do not argue. You are the parent. I tell me kids when they start to be disrespectful in a firm voice. I say, " You are being very disrespectful. or I think you forgot who you are talking to." When they were little I would not talk to them when they did stuff like that. I put them in time out. It never got out of hand.

    Sometimes kids need a spankin when they are completely out of control. I am not saying yours need this. But you should not tolerate your child talking to you disrepectful. If she complains. Then you say well you didn't get up so I took it away. That was your choice. In the morning you can say get up or lose your ps2. Which choice will it be? If she choose something that is not the choice then say that is not one of your choices.Do not give it back at all!!

    I do not chase my daughters around the house to get them ready. If she has to leave at a certain time and hasn't finished eating. Well it is time for school and she has to leave. Skipping a few meals will not kill her. Be firm. Do not argue with her at all. Sometimes you have to get down to there level and look in the eyes and be very firm. You do not have to yell at all just being frim in your voice. Mean what you say and carry out what you say. Do not let your child minipulat you at all.

    My girls now I do not play those games with them.

  2. You mentioned that banning stuff just makes her say how mean you are. My 8 year old says similar things but you still have to carry on with the action to show that you mean business.  If you relent after her moaning and let her go on the computer, then she is in control, and she knows that if she complains, then she'll always get her own way.

    Set a routine and encourage her to stick to it with stickers for each stage sucessflly completed, and then a reward for gaining a certain number of rewards.  It may take time but stick at it.  

    My boys have been playing up recently so I switch the tv off and say it won't be on until they are dressed and washed.  If they turn it on again, I turn it off and put the control out of their reach.  Tantrums do occur, but if you show you mean business, then they get there sooner than you think.

    Good luck!

  3. set her alam clock 20 minutes earlier so she gets up and make her shower/bath before bed so she's quicker in the morning. have her breakfast ready when she wakes up so she doesnt take forever trying to figure what to eat

  4. my son used to be like that so i started making everything a race. We would race getting dressed the fastest. Race on who got their teeth and hair done first (and whose teeth is the cleanest) it really helped and after half a school year of that i really only needed to do it occasionally when he was draggin

  5. This still happening to me every morning and my son nearly 10! Have to chase him to do everything include getting dressed, washed, teeth etc. Am fed up with it too and everyone tells me its his age, or its a boy thing - will read your other answers with interest.

  6. I would not punish her.   She's NOT a morning person.  I'm an adult and I have a tough time in the morning.  My body just wants to stay in bed, even though it can't.

    A few things that make the morning go quicker are:

    -Picking out your clothes the night before

    -Packing your book bag (I have a work bag)

    -Making your lunch the night before and sticking in the fridge

    -Taking a shower at night (I do this b/c I don't like getting into my clean bed with that day's germ all other me)

    Also, have her set a routine.  The second she gets out of bed, she goes to the bathroom and brushes her teeth.  After that, she puts her clothes on and combs her hair.   She gets her book bag/lunch ready and has breakfast.

  7. The night before have everything ready for school- clothes laid out, all assignments, lunch etc ready to go.  Have her help you with setting everything out but you will probably have to help her some.  Have her take her bath the night before.  That way all she has to do is eat, brush her teeth, comb her hair and put on the clothes that are already set out.

    Good luck!

  8. my daughter is 7. we lay her clothes out the night before including ponytail holder and brush. i give her only 2 choices for breakfast. while she is getting dressed i sit by her and urge her to hurry up. while she is finishing up her shoes i fix her breakfast (normally toast or cereal) while she is eating i urge her to hurry. if she isn't finished by a certain time then she doesn't get to eat. she just has to get up and brush her teeth. you don't have the tv on while she is getting ready do you?

  9. well before she goes to bed give her a bath and have her drink worm milk

  10. Do as much as you can the night before and ice cold water on her head. Trust me it wont take long before she gets tired of that.

  11. I too have a 7 yr. old daughter who loves school, but getting her there some mornings are a real "battle of wits." I have noticed if I tell her  if she gets dressed, eats breakfast, brushes teeth and hair,etc...  

    I will allow her to play on the computer for that extra time or I will play a card game or read a book with her. But that is ONLY  if she gets up and does everything she is supposed to do. I know we are busy too in the morning, but imagine all that extra time we would have if we didn't have to be in their rooms constantly reminding them to "hurry up and get ready." So, every morning I remind her of our special time we can have together playing and the rest is up to her.  If she doesn't get ready in time, then she doesn't get to play. But I have to tell you, she really does hustle now in order to get the "fun time" with me.  Good luck-I hope this helps a little.


  12. Pure cold water on her face if she doesn't get up!

  13. LOL, my daughter is almost 6 and she is not a morning person.  Sounds like the same thing as your daughter.  She just takes extra time to get up in the morning.  I go start the process of waking her up 15-20 minutes before I need her up, that way she has time to wake up on her own.  I know what you mean about if you make her get up the rest of the morning is c**p!!  Mine is the same!  I just have to be really gentle when I wake her up and give her her time.  I just know that I have to allow her plenty of time!!!

    Good luck!

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