
How can I get my 8 year old son to be able to wake up in a dry bed, while wearing regular undies?

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He has NEVER been able to do this his whole life.




  1. Have you had medial tests done to make sure its not more of a health issue?  Kidney, urniary, diabetes.

    Make sure he doesnt drink or eat 1 hour before bed

    make sure he goes right before going to bed

    be sure his room is warm enough, when kids get cold they sometimes pee the bed

  2. Try limiting his liquids a few hours before bedtime?  Make him go pee before bed, and maybe set an alarm clock in the middle of the night to get him up for a middle of the night pee?

    Have you talked to a ped about this?  I don't know what age they should stop peeing the bed.

  3. Try not having him drink any liquids a few hours before bedtime, and make sure he uses the bathroom before getting into bed. And if he has never been able to wake up in a dry bed you should really try to see a pediatrician if this problem continues because he might have a urinary tract problem.

    good luck.

  4. Just dont let him have any water before bed!

  5. Have you thought about maybe setting an alarm to wake him up in the middle of the night to go potty?

    First nothing to drink 45min to 1 hour before bed. Go potty right before bed.

    Then set an alarm, wake him up 2 hours after he goes to sleep and make him go potty. Then again in 2 hours and then as soon as he gets up in the morning. Do this for about 2 weeks.

    After 2 weeks, extend the time between wake ups to 3 hours and follow same pattern.

    Do this until he's dry through the night.

    What does his Pediatrician say about this?

  6. It's frustrating isn't it? I know because i wet the bed til i was about 9 ( my brother till he was 10) and my daughter did till she was about 10. Please try to remember that it is even more emotionally frustrating to the child. It limits his social life (sleep overs) because they can't share this secret for fear of teasing and being different. As hard as it is for you please be supportive of your son. He can share in the work of stripping his bed every morning and showering he's even old enough to start the washer. With my brother they were able to find that his bladder was under developed and leaked at night. Whatever the cause it will fix itself and someday this will all be a blur, and with your help there will be minamal emotional scaring. Just keep loving him, mom

  7. you have to get him to ease himself just before he goes to bed and wake him up around midnight to ease himself again

  8. It must be very frustrating.  I have 3 children.  Two are grown now (22 and 21) and my third is 6.  With each child, I would wake them up every night before I went to bed and bring them to the bathroom.  I wouldn't wake them fully, just enough so they themselves would walk to the bathroom.  Then I would stand with them quietly till they went to the bathroom.  I have never had a wet bed, and they learn to wake themselves up to go.  Every dry morning in the beginning, praise praise praise.  Hope this helps!

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