
How can I get my African grey to enjoy human touch?

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My 7 month old Congo, starts squirming away whenever I try to pet her. She also starts screaming whenever one my guests tries to pet her. She is not a biter, but I really would like her to enjoy me and new people petting her. Does anyone have any tips?




  1. well if she will let u pick her up u can try going around the back side of her and lightly pet her on her back. that way she really doesnt know whats petting her until she turns around.when she turn around  just stay calm and gently pull ur hand away. then once you have done that, repeat the process.if she doesnt let you pick her up, ur screwed!  

  2. Try This Website. You can answer questions to other bird lovers

  3. Where on her body are you trying to pet her?  Most greys will limit you to their head/neck/face region and not enjoy their back or wings touched.  Some don't like being pet at ALL.  They're not similar to cockatoos who generally really like to cuddle and be pet.

    Also, grey's are very sensitive birds who mostly bond to one or two people and are generally afraid of new people.  The only way you're going to get her socialized is if she is around new people on a very regular basis, not just once or twice a year.  

    It would probably be safer for your guests and less stressful for your bird if you introduce her by keeping her in the cage while new people are over.  That way she'll be in a safe environment but still start to familiarize herself with new faces.

  4. Put your finger in her mouth to the end of the fingernail.  She need to require your taste.  Don't pet her lower feathers.  Birds don't like to be petted there.  She'll love you.

    Good luck with your new bird


  5. You should have really started petting when she was younger

    You put your finger in her mouth and let her nibble, she'll l**k it to get your scent, all your visitors will have to do this

    don't move your hand away or she'll freak out, also quick hand movements will scare her too

  6. My Grey doesn't like to be petted and I believe most don't.  They like to be hugged.

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