I'm from Canada and have been out of the work force for 4 yrs. I have 2 kids, 1 with my Common Law Husband. I'm a stay @ home Mom & it's the hardest job I've ever done!
I have 10+ different jobs, my husband doesn't pay me a cent. I don't receive any "Family Bonus" due to his high pay. ($80000) He said 2 quit my job because he makes enough. The only income I get is child support 4 my other child but that $ is for her.
I'm in Counselling now, but is there anyway that he can't declare my kids, & I without permission? I do everything, he works but keeps & spends all the $. I feel I work too, if not harder I don't get a day off. (the house is in both our names)
In the last 5 yrs. he's received $26000 in income tax $ & has never given me a dime, especially when a lot of the things he declares are my daughter's sports that are paid by the child support I get for her.
How can he get all that $ & I get zero? He spent this yrs. tax $, $6000 already that was 4 our family, I'm so upset