
How can I get my DAD to spend more time with me?

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He is on the computer way to much. I think he dont like me or His Dog. I dont know why I do everything he asks but he just doesnt do anything but play on the computer. He doesnt walk the dog, he doesnt spend time with me. Please help. Any suggestions?




  1. When my daughter (6) thinks that I don't spend too much time with her she would flat out tell me.  She would use guilt trip, and watery eyes as well hopefully this will work in your case.

    Just for the record I spend most of my free time with her, she's spoil.

  2. Try to have a talk with your dad and let him know what he is missing. Remind him that before he know its you will be grown up and gone.

  3. your dad probably loves you but like many men has trouble showing it.

    You need to tell him exactly what it is that you want.  Waiting for him to show you affection and spend time with you is a waste of will be grown and it will be too late for the two of you to enjoy your youth.

    Find a time when he is not busy and no activity is planned...

    Go to him and say "dad I need to talk to you about something very important to me"    when you have his attention say...

    I love you so  much and want to spend time with you..  please let me be close to you.  it would mean so much to me     go with me to walk the dog or just sit and talk  it does not  have to be all the time but at least a little time each day....

    If you are lucky he will get the message  but sometimes men have the idea that it is not manly to spend time with a daughter but it is a very fatherly thing to do You might also tell this to your mother so she might remind him to spend time with you.  Best of luck.  I would like to know how this turns out.  you deserve better than you are getting.

    some other him some of your school work.. ask him to read your reports...not so much as to be a pest but enough to let him know that you want to be a part of his life (and he a part of your life).

  4. Tell him I said that daughters who get insufficient attention and love from their fathers have a higher pregnancy rate, much higher school dropout rate, have greater difficulty with behavior in schools, and have a much higher rate of divorce as adults.  (All that is as true as God made little green apples.)

  5. why don't you accidentally copy and e mail this question to his e mail .

    it would be a good conversation starter.

  6. talk to him about it.

    tell him you miss spending time with him.

  7. It's not likely that he doesn't like you; more likely he's just oblivious to what he's missing. After all, you won't be the age you are now for long, and at some point will be gone.

    Try to talk to him about it, in a straightforward, confronting way. Say that you wish you could spend more time hanging out together, and try to negotiate specific times for him to be with you, and shut off the computer. Also recommend a few things you could do together.

    You might start this whole conversation by having first gone through old pictures. Next time you, say, have a meal together, bring out old pictures of you and of him at different ages.

    This MIGHT remind him how you're constantly changing and won't be a child forever.

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