
How can I get my Dad to stop wearing my makeup?

by  |  earlier

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He's always borrowing my MAC pigments, no matter what I say. It's very frustrating cause he should just get his own stuff, but he's out of work. How do I tell him nicely?




  1. Tell him that it's not safe to borrow make up from each other or why not give him what your using right now then buy another one but dont tell him.

  2. Father's day is coming up ;) (In Australia anyway)

  3. ... Why's he even using makeup?!

    Get him a cheap makeup set, and pretend that it cost you a bomb.

  4. buy him one lol

  5. LOL wtf?

  6. maybe buy your dad one for fathers day. :) or just for a present to tell him how much you love him this way he wont feel weird and you wont fel bad! :)

  7. buy him a nice set for himself same brand same colors tell him its not much but you hope this helps.

  8. Haha. And I thought I had i bad. A makeupwearingdad would suck. lol. Get him his own for christmas ohis birthday.

    Hey, fathers day is coming up soon...

  9. d**n, that's really wrong, tell him to respect your private space or tell the police

  10. buy him his own

  11. Yeah, I have the same problem.  TBH my Granddad is much worse than he is for using my makeup cos he helps himself to my hoisery and expensive heeled shoes.  It's all about give and take.  I borrowed my Dad's drill and he went mental, unbelievable.

  12. buy him

    his own set or ask him nicely that if he could respect ure things and ure opinion and not use ure makeup

  13. WTF?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?! IS YOUR DAD g*y OR SOMETHING?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?

  14. hide it from him, because its a bit silly of him borrowing ur make-up you could buy him his own but if he wants 2 use it that bad then we will get his own.what does he need it 4 anyway. i suppose you could get him some 4 his birthday. well hope i helped.  

  15. Come on he is your father did he ask you not to use the stuff when you were lilttle?He is borrowing them

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