
How can I get my MIL to stop putting perfume and make up on my daughter?!

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she's only 2.5 years old...she doesn't need all of that! My MIL seems to think that my daughter takes after her when it comes to this which is completely wrong. She would like to think that. Anyway, I watched in horror as she doused her in perfume. I didn't know what to say. We don't get along well so it makes it a little more difficult (I'm trying to keep the peace).

How can I handle this!?




  1. Ask her politely to stop. Tell her your daughter is too young for this...

    Maybe stop visiting so often?

  2. your making too big of a deal out of it.

  3. I'm afraid the only way is to tell her in no uncertain terms to stop it! Unless your husband/partner is willing to have a word? I agree with you that it's wrong-not just the putting make up and perfume on but the fact that she's doing it without your consent!!!

  4. Obviously the perfume is meant to cover up the smell of the cigarettes that she lets your daughter smoke when they are alone. So, tell her that you don't mind the smell of smoke and she won't need to put perfume on her any more. And your daughter is probably very cute in her makeup. Let her continue to play dress-up with her grandmother!

  5. baby oil is excellent for taking tons of make-up off.

  6. expain to your daughter that granny likes to play dress up with her.  then as soon as you get home or she leaves, daughter gets to play in tub.

  7. She's your daughter, not your mother - in - law's.  If you want her to stop, open your mouth and say so.  If she won't listen, take your daughter home, wash her face, and tell Grandma you will not visit again until she respects your rules.

  8. Ask her to cut back and make it a game they only play once in a while. Also, ask her to not put very much because she is so young it could irritate her skin. Make sure you're daughter knows it's just a fun game and that she doesn't need it. She's so young I don't think that it will make her think she needs it. Pretty much all little girls like to play in "grown-up" stuff (make-up, hair accessories, clothes). Tell your MIL that the makeup is not to be brought to your house or given to your daughter, and that it's a special game for playing at grandma's house. Then, just limit their visits.

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