
How can I get my Shih Tzu to stop obsessing over his ball?

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Seriously, he's lost interest in any other toy or activity ever since we first played the "fetch the ball" game. If I pick up any other toy, he runs back a few steps and stands, excitedly waiting for me to throw it so he can chase it. He is worrying me to death with his constant demands for me to throw his ball...but he acts so depressed if I don't.





  1. Don't worry about it.  I had a dachshund that was totally obsessed over a ball too.  She used to love the 2 inch rubber balls with the jingle bells inside.  I made the mistake of giving her one as a puppy, tied inside a sock.  She tore the sock open and played with the jingle ball almost 24/7.  The only time she didn't play with it was when she was sleeping, and even then, she almost always had it nearby!  Our vet said as long as she was happy with the ball, there was no reason for concern, so we just kept a supply of the balls in the house and replaced them every time one got worn down and destroyed.  It would take a day or two for her to get used to the new ball, but after that, she loved it again.  

    We tried other toys with her.  She would play with them for a few minutes, but would always go back to her ball.  She was always content with her ball, never cared about anything else, so we just kept her happy with them.  

    If you're worried, you can ask your vet for advice.

  2. There is no game that Shih Tzu like better than fetch.  Just throw it a few times and then let him carry it around by himself.  My Gussie likes the fetch game.  Shih Tzu are a very stubborn dog. So if your dog  will not stop with the ball put it away and they will learn they are very clever dogs it only took Gussie three times to learn to fetch.  I don't think yours is depressed just disappointed fetching is so much fun.      

  3. Watch some dog whisperer! :]

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