
How can I get my act together?

by  |  earlier

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I have depression and anxiety, over weight, and in debt. I don't know how to get on track and improve myself. I feel like i'm going crazy.




  1. See a doctor about your anxiety, depression and a diet plan that will help with weight loss.  See if your doctor can also refer you to some agency that will help with budgeting and debt recovery.

    Good luck.

  2. I know exactly what you are going through...

    first off let me tell you: its going to be ok

    secondly, what i have found out through doctors and therapy that there are three simple, but still life changing, steps you need to go through and follow in order to keep you and your life straight...

    1. Take care of your body: start eating better, get better sleep (the recommended 6-8 hours is perfect),EXERCISE!!! it does help, and start looking into a vitamin regamine: try St. John's Wort, it really will help you focus and balance your hormones.

    2. Take time for you mentally: if you find that you are always running around and feel like you never have time for you, then make time...find the hobbies you like to do (reading, watching movies, bike riding, etc), and do it for you...take the time out of each day, 20 minutes or hey, and hour, relax and forget what's bothering you. It's your time, enjoy it.

    3. Lastly, the most important thing is to talk about what is causing you to feel this way to those around you.  People can't help if you don't say anything.  Also, you need to take the time to plan out what your days and future is going to look like, and if its too hard for you to do just by yourself, then those who love you will gladly help out.

    There are millions of people experiencing what you are going are not alone no matter how much you think you are...

  3. I used to be depressed and have really bad social anxiety and going on the verge of being overweight some great steps I did to get my act together was going on a diet and going to the gym I found that I love working out, for depression I was suffering through some medical conditions still am but im working towards solving it going to a GI today :P, I started talking to some new people, and old friends but I haven't really found a way to improve my social anxiety I used to be a lot worse but I am still somewhat nervous so idk what to do exactly im getting a job and I hope that will help me meet some new people and get over it. since i started getting my act together I feel a lot more confident and its helping. im 16 so ive never really been in debt I hope you the best with that...  

  4. you should see a psychiatrist about the depression and anxiety..i was depressed and my doctor put me on wellbutrin and it helped ALOT (it also helps with weight loss)...but def. consult with a doctor

  5. get a life coach and a therapist. they can tell you what to do with yourself.

  6. Go see your Doctor

  7. You could seek medical attention? they'd be able to direct you in the correct direction to get help? best of luck

  8. People in my family suffer from depression and anxiety, they see therapists and that seems to help a lot! And for the over weight issue, i have a book called "the best life diet" all of the recipes are very filling, delicious, and low in calories. As for the debt, you could try putting away a small part of your work check into a savings acount or even getting a part time job such as waitressing. hope i helped and good luck! i wish you the best!! :)

  9. Read Anthem by Ayn Rand.  You can probably get it free over the internet.  It will bring out the individual initiative within you.

  10. The best is to surround yourself with positive people, and join a group of people that revolves around an interest of yours.  You have to step out of yourself, get the focus off of you.  I know this from personal experience.

    Of course, counseling and self-help books/classes are also good, but the above points are crucial.

  11. Small steps

    Deal with your debt first, contact said company's and explain you are struggling and come to some arrangement to keep within your budget to pay of your debts.

    Have you been diagnosed as depressed?  if you are saying its how you think you are, go see a doctor for proper medical attention, as you are in a circle and have to be active to get out of it.

    Keep busy to take your mind of yourself to see the wood for the trees, the less you think about how you feel the more clarity you will have.

    Once you start being active in DOING something about your situation you will soon get back on track

    Once you start feeling better about your situation the weight will come of as you will not feel the need to comfort eat, and get to your normal weight

    Nothing that's worthwhile is easy you have to work at getting better, otherwise you will stay as you are.

    There is no quick fix, but at least you can be proud of your achievement at overcoming all obstacles

    I wish you a good safe journey

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