
How can I get my baby into modelling?

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My son is almost 7 months old and he is super cute. I am considering getting him into modeling, but I don't really know how. I looked on-line and all I found were baby photo contests (boooo), and junk websites, just trying to get your money or information so they can spam you (another booo). I even searched for modeling agencies that represent babies. No luck. If anyone has had their baby in modeling and knows who to speak to, please give me some names, numbers, websites, etc.

p.s. and please don't trash me for wanting my baby in modeling. I don't intend to turn him into some trained seal. When he gets to be the age where it becomes "work" we are out! But for right now, all he would have to do for ads is just be himself and that is all I want him to have to do.




  1. I know Parents magazine holds an annual cover baby contest. There are 4 booming cities for any type of modeling, Chicago, New York, LA, and Miami. If you do not live in or near those cities it can be difficult. I would get some photos taken of your baby, head shots included and make up a little portfolio. Once you are able to find some agencies, send them out to them. If you do not live near a big city though and really want him to get into commercial print I would be prepared to travel.

  2. My six month old models, but we are in a unique situation.  I have been a model for about 13 years so I was already in the industry and it was easy to get her in.  

    Start locally.  Contact local photographers and start working on creating a portfolio.  After that you can start looking for an agent (if you want) or you can just continue on your own.  Neither one of us uses an agent or agency, it's just not worth it for us.  

    So far my daughter has done work for the local Smuckers Jam Company, a local drugstore and she has been in a few commercials (mostly political ads).  

    She has also done some work for a few art galleries and a few art books.

    I can give you more specific advice if you are interested, but I'm afraid I can't really give you names and numbers because they are all just local for me, they aren't nationwide companies.

  3. I'm not sure but a couple of hours ago someone typed the same question about her twin babies going into modeling. If you find that you would get twice as much information.  

  4. Agents usually only take multiples, because they simply cant employ a single child.

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