
How can I get my ball python to eat?

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About 3 weeks ago, I bought an 8-month-old ball python. The store I bought him from said he only ate frozen , but whenever I try to feed him he shows absolutely no interest in the mouse. I've also tried live but he has no interest in that either. The cage temperature and such is fine and he's very active. Is there anything else I can try to get him to start eating?




  1. try giving him a small 1 entrance hide becuase it could be stressed and ball pythons like to feel everything in a hide thats with him and they like to be secure so he only has to look out of 1 entrance try raising the heat a little bit.

    u shouldnt have to worry so much becuase ball pythons could go months without eating

  2. you just have to wait into he is ready......he just have to get use to his new home

  3. You should always give a week to 10 days before trying to feed a new snake. This gives them time to settle into there new home. Also dumb question but you are deforesting the frozen mouse frist right???

  4. u just have to b patient, it'll eat eventually. Mine has gone 4 months now without eating but mines 4ft and i've tried every trick in the book, she just doesn't want to eat.

  5. It is very common that snakes wont eat when you first introduce them in their new enviorment. They can take from 1 week to about 2 months to start eating again because of their stress, and all snakes behaviors are different. You should try to let him get use to his new enclosure and not handle him at all for a week or so. After he settles in calmly then try feeding. If that doesnt work try a different colored mouse for instance a black colored one, one of my ball pythons only ate black colored mice and never a white one.

    If your python does not eat for about 2 months then you should consider a vet visit. Just make sure the temps are great and keep him happy. He should eat on his own if he isnt sick, you just have to let him become more confortable and less stressed.

  6. Yes, he may need time to get used to his surroundings.  Be sure that when you offer food, you move it around, because reptiles see heat-movement, and when the food just sits there, it 'disappears'.  A trick I learned is to put my snake into a little cardboard box, an old triscuit box would do just fine, but make sure the snake isn't too small for it...  Put the mouse in, close the box, put the box back into the regular cage, and come back in 30 minutes, the mouse should be gone.  It's never failed for me.

  7. ball pythons are notorious for not eating until they get used to their environment.  give it a couple weeks and up to a month before you start worrying too much.  also...make the mouse isnt still frozen.  nuke it in the microwave for a few seconds, not too long though.

  8. One thing you did not specify is weather it was a captive bred or wild caught snake. You got it from a bet store but some still deal in wild caught snakes. 3 Weeks? hmm try feeding him in the dark. My red tail did this for a while until I waited til night fall one time and fed her in complete darkness. First ball I ever had, I had to force feed the first time after that it ate fine, would not suggest you attempt this unless you know what you are doing, you could accidentally kill the snake. Might as some said take a little while for it to acclimate to its new home.

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