
How can I get my basketball handles really good and get faster?

by Guest57838  |  earlier

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Today I went to the gym and I saw this kid that was so fast and had good ball handle skills that nobody could even get a chance to play defense. How can I get faster and get very good handles like this kid. I am 14 and he is 15. I am going to try out for the freshman basketball team.




  1. You practice.

    Yes... it's that simple...

  2. Leeet me possess your souuulll.

  3. Get a small ball that is a good amount smaller than an NBA ball. Practice dribbling it and it helps you have focus and concentration. Next is to set up obstacles. They can be as small as water bottles and big as chairs. With that ball run through it. Get faster and faster every time and record your time. Keep trying to beat it. Never lose your motivation. To help your shot and get more power, Get a heavy ball and shoot with it. After that, you will have a lot of power with the ball and you will master it. Get your vertical higher!That helps your shot, block, and rebounds. It is very important so do squats and get dumbells then raise your toes to jump higher. Good luck and I hope that you make it!

    -Mister J

  4. Both those answers are dumb!  My answer is much simpler.  Try to get your hands on heavy dribbling balls.  They help strengthen your arms and develop stronger dribbling.  Just do all different things with them.  Figure Eight, Right Hand, Left Hand, Crossover, Behind Back, etc.  As for speed I reccomend a program called Air Alert. I used to be a slow white boy with no hops, now I am almost dunking and my speed is greatly increased.  It requires a lot of dedication though.

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