
How can I get my brothers death investigated

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My brother passed away almost 4 months ago at 38.The corner has ruled his death as suspicious and undetermined.His wife told that he died at 6:30 to the pathologist and told us he died at 8 but never called an ambulance till after 10.We know he was dead longer than that because he was cold and stiff when the ambulance and police arrived after her call.We know she is hiding something and can prove it.Our local police say they will investigate his death but are doing nothing,they wont even return our calls.I talked with the state police and from what proof we have they say there is enough to question her but they can not take over a local investigation they only can if the local police ask for help.A state trooper here went to talk to the detective handling my brothers death and the police refused to talk to him or tell him where he can find the detective.We know a liver or a rectal temp was never done on my brother.We are thinking the local police fudged up the case and are hiding it.What I wont to know is what are our rights,what can we do to get his death investigated.What channels do we need to go through to make sure something is done..Thank you all so much




  1. Talk to your local prosecutor.  Call all your local news outlets to give interviews to put public pressure on the police.

  2. I dont really know but Im really sorry for you and your brother...x

  3. Hire a private investigation and get the reports from the cops to give them. They'll make sure it gets done.

  4. Don't imagine that you can make close calls about time of death from temperature. There are too many variables. Undetermined death causes should always be investigated. For that matter, many deaths with known causes should be investigated. They may indeed have missed all the good opportunities before the found out there was a problem at autopsy. One thing you can try is talk to the district attorney. In many places, the D.A. can call in whoever he wants, and they'll take it over.

    Don;t jump to a private investigator. They are very limited in what they can do but will be happy to take your money.

  5. You can't.

    The  DA isn't going to reopen the investigation unless your brother was rich and/or famous. In other words, they don't really care because there's nothing in it for them.  

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