
How can I get my cat to go back in his litter box?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, my cat is 9 yrs old, fixed, male. He was litter trained very young and never had accidents. Our dog is a small Pom, so we started out using a puppy pad for him. My cat started using the puppy pad and wont pee in his box! (He still poops in the box but thats it) So now I am ready to get rid of the puppy pads, but I cant because the cat needs them! Its frustrating because now I have a litter box and pee pads, both for one animal!




  1. Hi there, first, take him to the vet to make sure he doesn't have a urinary tract infection or another medical problem.  

    If that's ruled out, make sure that his box is kept extra clean (you may even want to experiment with other cat litters and or giving him a box with a puppy pad in it).  Some cats like to have 2 boxes, so give him an extra one (one of my cats insists on 2 boxes or she won't use it). Another thing to try is to add a litter attractant to his litter box (this has worked for my cats in the past).

    Also, if the dog is a new addition to the family, be sure to give the cat some extra love and attention as part of the problem may be that he's a bit insecure with the dog.  Good luck!  

  2. Oh wow, this is weird indeed!! I wonder if this is his way of showing you he isn't feeling well.. believe it or not when my cat started getting sick with diabetes I didn't know she was sick, but it was so odd she was peeing in the shower or the bath tub while I was in the bathroom. Like she was trying to tell me something. I took her to the vet cuz she was losing weight and this is when I found this out she was sick... so maybe this is a coincidence. I will add too one of my past kitties who lived to be 15 had inflammatory bowel disease and wasn't not using her sandbox for stool.. the vet says she equated her pain with the sand box, poor baby, I sure miss her!! Anyway GOOD LUCK!!!

  3. If your cat is not using his litter box it may be because he does not like the litter box. Maybe you're using a litter that is scented too strongly, or the litter box is dirty, or he doesn't like where you put it, or he may not like the feel of the litter you bought. Try changing the litter and place a few of them around the house. You can later get rid of the ones he doesn't use. And try these steps

    step 1- when you see your cat/kitten about to p**p pick it up gently and carry to the litter box

    step 2- give lots of attention once done the toilet and a treat

    step 3-repeat very time until it learns doing the toilet in the box is a good thing

    if it dose it anyway ells lightly tap the cat/kitten on the nose and say no

    good luck!

  4. Put the litter box in a separated  area , Away from the puppy pads. At night you must lock him in so he or she learns. When my cat didnt use the litter box i did this. Also tap a little hard when your cat uses the puppy pads.

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