I have an indoor, one year old male, neutered and the only cat in the house. He has a biting issue. He likes to attack and bite when you are just walking through the house, or when you are sitting down, he'll bite your feet. If you are petting him, he'll stop and start biting. And it's hard biting, too. He latches on and digs in.
We've tried: Squirt bottle (gets him off for the time being but he'll be back later), loud noises (ignores them), thumping on the head (same), relocating him to another room/distracting him (only a temporary fix)
I've talked to the vet and she says just to stick with the water bottle. But this has been going on for a year and it hasn't gotten any better. Lately, it's actually gotten worse.
Other than the biting, he's a very loving cat. He has plenty of toys and other stimuli
If all else fails, my boyfriend suggested declawing him, as that tends to alter their behaviour. I really don't want to do this as I hear it makes the cat depressed (and if he got out, he wouldn't be able to defend himself) I really don't want to do this but I'm getting fed up.
Please, any and all advice is appreciated.
PS: I'm against abuse (no hitting the cat--it was hard enough to thump him on the hose)