
How can I get my confidence back?

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Up until a year ago, I thought I had friends, until they ran away from me one lunch and said they didn't want me hanging around with them anymore. I've since tried to make friends, but I heard from someone else they didn't like me. I've now lost all my confidence in ever making more friends. I have friends out of school but just none in school, and I have no one to spend lunches and breaks with.




  1. This is really a very hard thing to do But you can try by thinking what good or positive thing you do in past

  2. ok, thats the thing, usually people dont like to hang out with others without confidence so if you want to get more friends just be more confident and dont worry about what others think of you or how many friends you have. If you for example like a guy just be upfront and ask him out without slight hesitation trust me, its all about confidence

  3. I dont know your old "friends" but already I hate them! ..what a scummy thing to do! you're better off without them

  4. All you can do is make buddies during class time. Ask people to be study buddies or just talk to them, and when you're friends hope the two of you have the same lunch period or you can sit at a lunch table with a stranger and start talking to them then agree to meet at the same table tomorrow. Youll get your confidence back, Im sure the whole school dont dislike you.

  5. I was in that same situation years ago. I found that I needed to spend time learning how to love myself so I had the confidence to be with people or alone. I spent much time accepting my curly hair and curvy body. The most important part of learning to love yourself is to remind yourself that you ARE beautiful no matter how many flaws you think you have and that someone else is most likely going through the same thing you are. Everyone has a problem with some part of their body unless they find the beauty in that part no matter how much they think its fat or flabby or ugly in whatever way. People will love to see a confident kid in school and will probably love you or try to bring you down. If you show other people that no one can bring you down then you truly have confidence and love for yourself, which will reflect onto them, and they will wonder how you did it.  

  6. If your friends did that too you, then I don't think they're real friends. Try finding someone in class that you talk to sometimes and bring up a conversation. Once you start talking then ask them if you can hang out with them at lunch. Then the next day do it too, it'll soon become a routine. Just be nice to people and don't be scared of your old "friends." Don't let them try to intimidate you.

  7. Ignore everything and just concentrate on what makes you happy.Go for others with similar intrests as you.

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