
How can I get my credit card APR lowered (Chase card)?

by  |  earlier

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I have called and asked several times. About 6 months ago I was able to get two of my three cards through them lowered to a decent rate 9.99% and 10.99% but they refused to lower the third card at 15.99%. I also have a business card through them at 10.99% that they refused to lower. I told the original rep that I was thinking about leaving and they transferred me to an "APR specialist". That person told me flat out there was nothing they could do. I have tried calling back and getting different reps but the same thing happens. I have been using the cards and paying them off in full every month but I have been using them. Should I just stop using their cards and THEN call?

I have had no late payments and carried a balance maybe once or twice. I've had the Speedway card for at least 4 years and the others between 1 and 3.

Amazon Card - 9.99% Fixed

Speedway Card - 15.99% Variable

BP Card - 10.99% Variable

Business Card - 10.99% Variable

Please help me stick it to the man!




  1. You could try one last chance, call and ask to speak to the supervisor.  Once you have them, threaten and say you are eliminating one of your credit cards and they will be the one to go if they dont match the lower APR that you're getting with the other ones.  If they still dont, ditch it.  Simple as that.  Being young, you'll have plenty of time to build up credit history with the other cards.  And, it isnt worth keeping being stuck with the higher APR.  By the way, it is a bad thing to pay your credit cards in full every month.  Look into it more.  What you want for a higher credit rating is to make big and good size, on time payments, but still have 50% credit still available.  Charge it up to the 50% mark, ...then take the next 3 months paying it down (but still keeping a balance)....Then repeat.  GLuck

  2. If they wont work with you switch cards and close the account it appears they are not to worried about keeping you as a customer.  

    You cant be so attached to a credit card company that you are worried about using a different source of credit.

  3. I'm not defending card companies ( I'm not fond of them believe me) but part of their reluctancy to raise limits is in light of the global credit situation particularly that of North America thanks to our friends south of the border those *cough* 'Mericans.

    I'd push for the Speedway card since you've had it the longest and it also has the highest interest rate. Emphasize that you have great rates on your other cards and are being a role model client....ask them to give you a reason not to comply with your request. If they give you a 1-liner or a iron-clad dislaimer that sounds like their reading it from a book on their desk....ask them to explain further. If they dont 'tell em they smell like rotten pumpkin'...kidding don't do that...just try again next year.

    Good luck

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