
How can I get my crush to take me to prom?

by  |  earlier

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He's 18 and I'm 16, he's in college but would be home by my Junior prom. We're really close friends but he doesn't know I like him. How can I get him to take me?




  1. Just ask him to go as friends

  2. act really flirty den he will make a move on you the u can ask him

  3. Prom already school is barley

    starting just tell him "Hey prom is coming

    up soon i was just wondering would you like

    to go with me, since nobody has asked me i don't

    want to go dateless."  

  4. Ask him!

  5. ask him it's the best way to go.

    say : hey, so my prom is coming and im dateless would you mind bringing me? woud mean alot to me  (you could add :I don't want to be a dateless

    just a suggestion

    good luck

  6. Isn't prom like a LONG way from now? Just ask him can he take you to prom because nobody asked you.

  7. Ask him! The worst he can say is no.

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