
How can I get my dad to get my color contacts?

by Guest67015  |  earlier

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I want color contacts because I have always wanted multicolored eyes, blue and green, ever since I was a toddler. I have asked my dad, now 14, if I can have it later, in a few months or so. He says no until I am 18, and I disagreed right away.


My dad told me first that color contacts hurt your eye sight, but I found this to be false. Then he told me that color contacts are dangerous, and can cut your eye, and you can go blind or something of the such. Is this true? How can I convince my dad to get me color contacts? They are really cheap, and I don't think I want to wait 4 years for something so small and cheap...




  1. some parents feel they are provocative.

    you may think they're cheap but in today's economy, I don't know that I could aford them either.

  2. Even if you are paying for it, you are still a minor... minors have not REAL decisions... Not to say minors have no opinion or if I agree with the law..  BUT its true.  you can not do anything with out the consent of a parent...

    BUT to answer your question... NO color contact lenses are not harm full for your eyes.  And you will be taught how to wear them before you are able to take them home anyways.  If they were dangerous it wouldn't be on the market at all.

    Keep at him.  Maybe show him how serious you are.  they you will give up something else up that you are doing for contact lenses.  Show him you are willing to make sacrifices for what you want.  

    Good communication wins over all.

    As far as it being cheap I dont think it is.  Normally an eye exam for contact lenses ranges from $80-$150.  Depending on if you go to walmart or not.  And contact lenses are $20 on up.

  3. He is your father, he is going to say no, However Color Contacts will not cut your eye and you will not go blind due to this.  They are soft contact lens however he says no.. and he is going to keep comming up with reasons why. You mine as well just wait a while and ask again in a few months.

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