My once "I'll eat anything" 4 year-old has suddenly become a picky eater. She is under weight and I need to fatten her up a bit.
She loves fruits and veggies. I am grateful for that, but the problem is, she doesn't want anything else. I have a hard time getting her to eat meat, peanutbutter, beans or anything else with protine. I try to avoid junk food. She will get sweets if and only if she eats her meal. I don't want to break that rule because I want to keep her eating healthy.
I have tried giving her choices on what to eat and she still won't eat. I have tried doing "fun" and/or colorful meals. I have let her help me prepare dinner, ect. She just doesn't want to eat anything but veggies. She doesn't even like fast food.
I do give her a multi-viatimin and I give her milk in the morning with breakfast and juice with dinner.
Anyone have any suggestions? I feel like I have tried everything.