
How can I get my daughter to tell me if she has to use the potty?

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she won't tell me...she keeps saying no then goes to the bathroom in her pants. I dont want to park her on the potty because I want her to understand the urge and what it is to go.

I am the one that's trained to take her to bathroom every hour! Should I let her have a few accidents? Any tips?




  1. She is not going to tell you you just havt to consistantly put her on the potty every hour my daughter always tells me no and then goes in her pants!

  2. How old is she?

    I would definitely let her have a few accidents.  That way she'll learn the feelings associated with the urge to go, and she'll also learn she doesn't like all her clothes to get wet/dirty.

    Good Luck ~

  3. Obviously she isn't potty trained and that she isn't ready to be potty trained.  You should never have put her in underpants.  You have a choice, either put her back into diapers and wait until SHE is ready or wash her underwear all the time.

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