
How can I get my fridge handles looking white and clean again?

by  |  earlier

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My husband works constuction and is always grabbing the fridge door handles with dirty hands. THe handles are getting stainged with dirt. I wipe them off with clorox wipes but how can I get them looking brite and white again?




  1. two word

    baking soda

  2. You can use the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, or you can use your favorite kitchen cleaner and an old toothbrush. Spray the handle and scrub with the toothbrush, it'll get in all the little spots you can't get at with the wipes. Hope this helps. Good luck!

  3. mr clean magic eraser works great on my fridge.....i have a hubby and 3 kids constanly leaving there marks whereever they

  4. Mr Clean Magic Erasers

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