
How can I get my guinea pig use to me?

by  |  earlier

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i got him on Wednesday




  1. pet him or her a lot if you take it for a walk make it feel safe.giv carots lettess and maby some alfalfa  

  2. when you feed him, let him smeel your hand. when he doesnt seem as skittish, try and gently pet the side of his face (mine really like that), but make sure you dont put your hand over his eye, it might freak him out. take him out of the cage and put him in a secure area on the floor. pet him, talk to him, and try to play with him. you could also try letting him eat food out of your hand. my guinea pigs like carrots, apples, corn on the cob (with the leaves, but not the hair), tomatoes, and bananas. try some of these, and you can look up on Google what other fruits and veggies you can give him. make sure you also know what foods are poisonous to him so you dont feed those to him. i hope this helps!! good luck. btw, whats his name? mine are two females named Clover and Buttercup

    ******DO NOT GIVE ALFALFA!! THIS FOR RABBITS AND ITS BAD FOR GUINEA PIGS!!******* and lettuce is okay, but dont give them iceberg lettuce EVER!

  3. Some guinea pigs will never be as cuddly and playful as you may want, but there are some ways to get them to like you more. The first rule is to not over whelm him/her. If you do, they will never like you. Guinea pigs LOVE food, so I would make sure that it knows you are the one feeding it. When you hold him/her make sure to pet it gently and talk softly to him/her. Each day you can do a little more with you guinea pig. Eventually it will think of you as it's friend :)

  4. Put him in a high traffic area so he gets used to your every day noise.  Interact when ever possible.  get him used to your hands by offering treats in your palm and let him investigate it before you leave the cage.  In time he will learn to trust.

  5. pet him, give him treats , stay next to him while you read, do homework...

  6. i have a guinea pig and i love them so sweet anyway :D

    if he/she has a run then jsut sit in the run with it and let he/ she run around you and on you so he can get used to your smell. Its better you let him get used to you whilst he is younge other wise when they are old they dont like you holding them.

    when you think he might be ready to be held (you will no this when he come to your scent) just beggin petting him alot every where so it get used to being touched then when it doesnt get scared of your hand get it to come to you (you may need some treats to intise it like carrot ect) then get it to sit on you dont squish it jsut gently pet it on your lap while it eats its carrot then it will get used to you and do this all the time everyday. But i wouldnt do it more then twice a day because it will get annoyed with you and may bite!

    good luck with your new guinea pig and have fun !! :D

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