
How can I get my hair to grow super long as quick as possible?

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My hair is shoulder length and I want it much longer. How can I get it to grow quickly and healthily? Thanks




  1. drink more milk. eat more eggs. eat more cheese

  2. Get regular trims to cut off split ends.

  3. I’m sorry to say that, despite numerous advertising campaigns, there are no magic ointments or quick fix treatments that will make your hair grow faster. The average growth rate is one half inch per month. Sometimes hair does not seem to get longer because the ends are breaking off, making it appear not only, not to grow but even to get shorter. There isn’t anything you can do to increase that, however you can take certain measures to keep your hair as strong as possible.

    Let me explain.

    The longer your hair is, the ‘older’ the ends of it are. Everyday, wear and tear, such as sun, wind, blow drying, curling irons and other heat styling tools, even shampooing and brushing, all work together to gradually erode each hair. This eventually causes split ends that will, in turn, result in the hair breaking off.

  4. from experience (i'm a guy, and i grew my hair from about 1 1/2 inches long to shoulder length in about 9 months), cut your tips about once a month, but make sure you're just cutting off the tips and nothing more. maybe about 1/2 an inch is fine already. not cutting it at all will make it look frizzy and a bit unkempt, and according to my stylist, will actually make growing slower because nutrients will focus on fixing the hair rather than growing it.

  5. shampoo regularly, drink more water, tie it up, decrease the amount of hot tools usage

  6. prenatal(sp?) vitamins

    youre supposed to take them when youre pregnant so your babies healthy but they make your hair and nails grow really quick.

    hope this helped =]

  7. I know it helps if you use a silk pillowcase rather than cotton and stuff like that because it stops your hair from breaking and/or getting split ends while your asleep :]

  8. cut off the split ends every month and treat it well or get exstentions

  9. drink milk  

  10. I don't know about growing it longer but hair extensions may help.

  11. I would think that by tying your hair to a ceiling hook and then kicking away the stool you could after several hours drag more out of your scalp.  It's certainly worth a try and a lot more sensible than some of the so-called serious answers you'll get here!  :-)

  12. Prenatal vitamins are a good, relatively inexpensive solution.  :)

  13. drink milk

    or is that for finger nails.....


    Basically, get regular trims, eat right, take vitamins, & don't trash your hair with chemicals, Irons, and whatnot.

  15. Solgar's Hair, Skin, & Nails worked really well for me. They're a bit pricey ($20/mo.), but if you're desperate for longer hair its worth it. Otherwise, take a B supplement, zinc, c, & calcium. Silica helps too, but that is expensive as well. Go to a chemist or boots/cvs-type place and not a health food store - health food stores usually have a high markup :skin hair & nail , zinc , calcium , sea food , pantogar .

    minoxidil 5%drops i try every thing , heat do affect so stop heat-ting it or styling it with gel or mouse  

  16. Stop cutting it.  

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