
How can I get my horse to not spook so often?

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I have a 6yr old morgan/paint that is spooking way too often. I've only had him for a month but every time I go to work with him he spooks at something at least twice. I need advice on how to get him to calm down. Thanks




  1. Your horse doesn't trust you yet as the herd leader and i think hes using the fright and flight which is normal in horses i recommend simply hand walking him and letting him graze so he can "size you up"  and maybe walking him by scary objects and saying like your fine boy. Also as being 6 thats pretty much natural.

  2. introduce him to his fears.horses work off of their senses and their minds sometimes play tricks on them so the best way to get them over their fears is to introduce them to it .

  3. Have a go using some Bach flower rescue remedies. You don't need a prescription and you can use any at any time even every day mix some into his food. Also try to find out what he is scared of and remove it or deal with it some other way.

    I wont list the remedies but just look on the Internet for them. There is 38 of them. Don't just feed them to him massage them into is coat particularly around the nose(unless its to relax muscles, then do it around the tense area.

    Walk him around towards things so he can see they aren't scary or are going to hurt him. if he really cant deal with the object you will have to move or remove it. Also check his feet, he might not be sure footed. To help that, lead him over some ground polls. Check his visibility and if he is head shy.

    I hope i helped

    Alice L

    Good Luck

  4. put plastic bags tied to his coral.

    rub him with the small 'spooky' object so he feels comfort from them.

    plan a day with u and a partner and set up several things in an arena that would be considered 'spooky'. in a halter and lead slowley introduce him to these things. work on it every day. also, if u where to pass something on the trail that your horse looked at and started to get scared. dont force him to face his fear. simply look away, and give him light rein and leg pressure. that way he knos to trust u and u r a safe leader to follow. that u wont put him in a scary position.

  5. i would try to slowly approach the "scary" objects before riding past them. let him look at them. then when riding past them pretend there not even there. Or try talking to him or petting him too.

  6. one word...Parelli!  

    you can check out it is an all natural way to communicate and co/exist together.  

    Good luck!

  7. keep showing your horse that the "scary" object will not hurt them and let them sniff and play with the item for awhile as long as it is not a animal or something, than take your horse away and show them the object to them again to show them it still will not hurt them. that's the same thing with my one paint horse but he's 10

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