
How can I get my horse to take the bit?

by  |  earlier

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If I try and try he will take it eventually but he throws his head everywhere and its just not fun, embarrassing and almost dangerous!! I'd like to get to the point where he puts his head down and just takes it in. Any suggestions would help! PS-I tried molasses and he didn't like it..




  1. First of all.... have you considered riding him bitless? I know he throws his head and things of that sort but it might be because he hates having a bit in his mouth.  My sisters horse was never tought to use a bit and does excellent with a bitless bridle. I'm not a fan of hackamores but a bitless bridle might work.  Unless you think he needs the bit and then by all means keep it.  See how he does if you take the bit off of the bridle.  You never know it might make him ten times happier, and it could just be less stress put on you. Some horses do great without a bit and others... well not so much.  You just have to figure out what works best for you and your horse.  The safest most effective way is the best!!

    I hope this helps!!

  2. use a bit of honey..

  3. He needs to learn to bring his head down and keep it there when you ask him to.  I can tell you how to train this if you are interested.  Once he learns that, bitting him will be no problem.  e mail me if you want to know....but don't do it unless you really want to know, since it takes time to type it out.

  4. zippo's got it. my horse, luci, hated her stainless bit. the second i got the copper one, she would take it like it was a treat. also, maybe you should try a new type of bit. maybe get one with a roller? is your bridle/headstall fitted the right way? is the bit the right size?

  5. stick ur thumb in his mouth on the side (theres no teethe over there.)

    and he should take it. or hold his nose firmly.

  6. My horse does the same thing!!! He hates the bit. He is tall so i get on a stool with the bridle and put his favorite treat a peppermint and hold the bit and peppermint and he will sniff and then eat it that's when you pop the bit in. Now my horse almost wants to put the bridle on. He was so bad before he would rear and buck and back up. Now he is an angel.

  7. Dip the bit in water then sugar and it will be like a sugar cube

  8. My horse was terrified of the bit and I used honey. I also went out a few times a day and just put the bridle in and out of her mouth, so it wasn't every time it was put on we worked.  

  9. Well, I had a horse a long while ago. He didn't like the bit either.

    Someone helped me by telling me that there is a gap behind his front teeth. You just put your thumb into it along the lower jaw and push down so he opens his mouth. It worked like a charm.

  10. Thats a tough one! every horse loves molasses! lol.

    You could try bit butter

    I havent used it, but also, you may want to try a bit with copper on it. Horses love the taste of copper and it makes them salvate more. and most important, do not get frustrated with him and make the bitting process very easy going, and fun.

    Also, for the first time or so, just work on putting the bit near his mouth, and when he eventually lets you put it in, take it out and give him a pat. you want to make it as pleasant as possible. and do not bump his teeth with the bit.

  11. try rubbing peanut butter on the bit.... depends if your horse likes that caus emy old horse used to love that! or try rubbing and apple on it to make it smell and taste like apple or possably a carrot. i dont really know... dont give up on him though! im sure he will learn! good luck <3

  12. start with the basics. put pressure between his ears(with your palm open) when he lowers his head let the pressure off. it may take some time but he will learn that the pressure is lifted when he lowers his head. once you have that done play with his mouth like a game.then as long as he dosent bite find where he has no teeth about half way down the jaw put 2 finger in and make him open his mouth. just dont rush things or all your hard work will be for nothing

  13. WOW your prob sounds exactly the same as the one i had. When i was completely new to horses a family friend gave my little brother a 16h paint horse. he came over and rode her in front of us and everything was great.(he has 30 years experience breeding ..owning horses) The horse must have realized we were rookies and she started lifting her head every time we tried to tack her up to got to the point were we gave up after  a half hour. we told him about this and he came over and showed us what he does when this happens to his horses. he walked up to her with his bridle in hand. he gave her 3 seconds of head tossing then he jerked her lead rope down a quick couple of times and charged at her . she quickly backed up and stopped moving back when he stopped charging her. like 8 feet. he then stood for a second and she would bring her head back down. he would walk her back over to us and repeat. after 3 times she kept her head down and has been content since then. also keeping 2 fingers on the back of the horses pole will help give u a little more control. hope it will help! good luck

  14. well this won't be the best answer because I've only just started using them, but have you tried "Horse Amour Bit Wipes"? I wipe my horse's bit with it before each ride and then let it kind of hang on the bit while i'm getting the saddle on. My horse seems to really like it. He was never very difficult with his bit before though, I got them just to treat him a little.

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