
How can I get my husband to buy me my own oxygen bar? I really, really want one so bad!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, the one I want is like 680 dollars and he thinks that is way too much and he has never done it so he doesn't understand how nice it is..maybe its more of a girl thing but I love going to oxygen bars and the aromas and all that makes me feel better...this is the one I want, they have cheaper ones that my husband said he might get me but I don't want them!!!! What can I do??

This is the one I really really want:




  1. Well if he won't buy it for you -then save up the money and buy it for yourself!

  2. Are you kidding me?  Can you afford it?  Why don't you get a job and buy it yourself?

  3. ask nicely

  4. I thought you had a medical problem, or lived at a high elevation. I was

    @ a southwestern city @ 7K ft altitude, and these bars helped people catch their breath. You can really s***w yourself up w/one of these things if you don't have a prescription. Actually it's against the FDA regulations if you don't have a prescription. Check this out:

  5. just tell him u will do anything for him!!!!

  6. Get a job and use your own money to buy one

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