
How can I get my iTunes back, and will my existing music still be left on it?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday I was listening to iTunes on my computer, shut my computer down and went to work. When I came home, iTunes wouldn't work, it said Quicktime had been deleted and to reinstall iTunes. Turns out my sister went on the computer in the time I was at work and deleted Quicktime! I tried to restore my computer to the time when Quicktime was deleted, but it still doesn't work. How can I fix it? If I have to reinstall iTunes, will all my existing music be recovered?




  1. As long as your music is still saved on your computer, you will be able to add it back to iTunes once it is re-installed. iTunes automatically saves all music to a folder in your Documents. Look in My Documents | My Music | iTunes. If your music is still there, you're fine. If it's not there, you've lost your music, you'll have to find a way to get it back.

    Given that your music is still on your computer, you'll have to re-import it once you re-install iTunes, it won't just appear in the library. Once re-installed, in iTunes, go to File | Add Folder to Library. Browse for the iTunes music folder and click Add.

  2. Unfortunately when you lost iTunes some of the fragments still stayed in your PC and a re-install will NOT work unless you fully uninstall every scrap of your old installation.

    Now for the good news. There is a Microsoft program that is just made for situations like yours. I will get it from my files and send it to you very soon.

    I hate to go against the advice that member JOY has given you since she is a LEVEL 7 member and I am only a LEVEL 5.

    However, should, by chance her suggestion that you JUST re-install does NOT work, then here is my solution .

    Download this program:

    When it comes up you will see a list of programs that you can  UNISTALL with one click of your mouse.

    Look down the list and you will see ITunes. Click on that and the shreds of iTunes will be gone.

    NOW you can re-install and it will go to the end successfully.

    Use this if you feel you need to. Otherwise much good luck in your recovery.

    Meanwhile do try to get your old program back, the one with all your songs. I hope you do because a re-install is likely to be fresh and maybe without any of your songs.

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