
How can I get my kitten to behave!?! Driving me nuts!?

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I have a 6 month old kitten who is seriously driving me nuts. He jumps on my kitchen counters and eats my sponges, my baby bottle nipples, my flowers. He digs in his food bowl until all his food is on the floor, he runs like a crazy chicken with no head all night, running into everything, pouncing on the bed. He constantly is picking on my 4 year old cat and he is just a brat! When will he mellow out?

Did I mention he chews on my toothbrush and takes all the bathroom trash out of the can! GRRRR

I have tried a squirt bottle and spanking his butt, nothing helps.




  1. Kick it.

    No dont kick it. I heard kittens react to noise, rather than physical punishment. Try shouting at it (you might scare it though) and after a while it might stop.

    If that doesn't work... I guess you could kick it.

  2. Wow, this one is busy. Get him neutered if he is not.Don't leave these items around because he can get sick if the wrong thing gets in his mouth or if he swallows something like string.

    The night time play time is normal. Your sleep time is their play time. He will outgrow most of this stuff, but in the meantime get him lots of moving toys.

  3. Get him fixed and buy him some cat toys. There are some simple ways you can make this rambunctious period a little easier to deal with, both for you and your feline companion. One basic rule is to set up at least two 10-15 minute “play sessions” every day with your cat, in which, for instance, you let him chase a fishing-pole-type toy around. These exercise sessions are not only an effective outlet for winding kitty down, but they also strengthen the bond between you.

    Good luck!

  4. Oh my gosh- my husband and I were just talking about what we are going to do with ours! They are tearing holes in our trash bags, scratching the walls, our one cat always eats too much and too fast and then ends up vomitting it up, that same cat chewed off all the nipples of our baby bottles...

    sounds like we're in the same boat!!

    Ive always had more problems with male cats and them being destructive. Im not sure if it would make a difference if he was fixed or not- we'll know soon because we're having ours fixed.. anyhow- mine are still young too so I cant tell you if they will mellow out!

    But boy I hope so!

    And we also tried a squirt gun and spanking- but for us those were only temporary fixes, lol.

    I hope your cat starts to behave soon!! :)

    (I realize I wasnt much help, but thought I'd share my very very similar situation, and let you know you are not alone! lol)

  5. use a spray bottle with water in it. spray him and say no! at the same time when he's doing something wrong. Hope this works. It works on some dogs that bark excessivly.

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