
How can I get my lap top to connect to the internet ?

by  |  earlier

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My lap top used to connect to the internet just fine when I unplugged the ethernet from my home computer and plugged it into my lap top. I've been overseas for 5 months and now that I am back I can't get my lap top to connect. It says to contact my service provider. I have Cox.




  1. what way are u trying to connect wireless or ethrenet?

  2. Go into Properties of your ethernet LAN connection and make sure that the Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) properties are set to acquire IP and DNS server addresses, automatically.

    Then, reboot your computer. If that still doesn't fix it? Power cycle your home network...

    Shut everything off(cable/DSL modem, router, computer, etc.) > Wait 5 mins. > Turn on modem > Wait 2 mins. > Turn on router > Wait 1 min. > Turn on computer. See if that fixes it?

    Edit: If you're just transferring the ethernet cable from the desktop to your laptop? You need to power cycle the network in order to re-assign the IP address to your laptop and vice-versa...

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