
How can I get my mom to cosign for me?

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I really need my mom to cosign for a loan for me or else i won't be able to continue with school. (I only have 2 more years to go) She really doesn't want to. how can i convince her to because this is something that i REALLY need




  1. I'm kinda in the same boat as you. I recently got into a car accident and totaled my car. Now i need to buy a new car because i need a way to get to college and work. I also need my mom to cosign and she doesn't really want to. I think the way you can talk her into it is by showing her that you are resposible. If you don't have a job then maybe you can get something part time that doesn't interfere with school just so she sees you're makin an effort and you are gonna pay off the loan on your own.

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