
How can I get my mom to get me my 3rd webkinz?

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How can I get my mom to get me my 3rd webkinz?




  1. What do you need 3 for?

  2. Help around the house in any way possible.  Save your money.  

  3. A way to get your mom to get you another webkinz is to do a whole bunch of chores around the house or if your a very responseable 11 year old (or older) you could try to baby sit.

  4. Just asking for more money or more stuff isn't going to get you very far.  Show her that you are willing to earn the money to buy another one.  Show her that it is important enough to you that you are willing to work for it.  She needs to know that you know that she isn't just a cash machine.  You may not see it that way, but the more stuff you ask for the more she will feel that way.

    Ask your mom how you can earn another one.  Do extra chores.  Ask your neighbors if there are any jobs you can do to earn money like weeding, walking dogs, babysitting, if you are old enough, or pet sitting.  Opportunities are out there.  I know it sounds like hard work, and it is, but if you aren't willing to work for it, is it really fair to ask your mom to pay for it?

    Another side benefit to earning money is, not only you are you showing responsibility (big bonus points with mom), you may end up earning enough money to buy other things beside.

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