
How can I get my mom to let me get these?!?

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I recently was at one of my best friends house and she has a ton of thongs and I don't. I tried one of her thongs on and I loved it, it was so comfy, now I want to buy my own! The only problem is, my mom doesn't want me getting thongs, she says they are really gross but I love them!

How can I persuade my mom into letting me get thongs?

Also, I am 13. Is it normal for 13 yo's to want to get thongs?

Thanks so much for your help!




  1. r u kiddin? thers hannah montana thongs! and ther r 4 yearold hannah montana fans!  

  2. I think thongs are cool... borrow some from your friend until your mom says you can get them!  

  3. I remember this!

    I think I was about 13 too. When me and mom went school shopping I just let her catch me looking at the thongs. Then she asked me if I would like to try wearing one like that so she bought it for me. I wouldn't go looking for a G-String at your age mind you. That will probably result in a no.

  4. ewww! you tried on your friend's thong! thats sooo gross! that is NOT sanitary!!

  5. you tried on your friends underwear thats extreamly nasty

  6. the other day i saw thongs with like monkeys and butterflies on them. and i seriously was like what the s hit, they mske thongs for 7 year olds.

  7. i love em too! im 13 and have been wearing them since i was 12 . tell her that there comfy and you like the way they feel [:

    ***good luck!  

  8. I know this is going to be hard to listen to....

    Your mom, like my mom when I as 14 (i'm 23 now) will think...omg, my baby wants s**y underwear...what is she doing when i'm not around???

    I'm sure that you are a really sweet girl, and dont mess around with boys, but thats what your mom will be thinking because they have sexified the thong...(listen to the thong song.)

    reasure her that you think they are comfortable and are more fashionable because they dont leave the dreaded panty line, and that she should come with you to...victorias secret to pick out a plain cotton thong..nothing fancy, nothing s**y...just a plain fleshtoned thong, and promise her its not for a boy to see.

    and to impress her even more....use your own money to buy one. reason i say VS is because they make thongs ment for the "no panty line" effect. they cost about 12 a panty, but that way..she won't think you are trying to look S****y!

    and if she says no...say "ok mom...i understand, i can wait till i'm a little older to buy more mature panties." and opt for a bikini style panties till then.

  9. I wouldn't let my 14 year old get them either.  To me, they are intimate/s**y apparel and no 13/14 year old needs to wear intimate apparel.

  10. Not normal but nothing wrong with it.

  11. Yeah I guess its normal to want them, I think I bought my first one in 8th grade, so I was 13.

    If you want one so bad, tell her you'll pay for it, and you'll start doing your own laundry so she doesn't have to see the "grossness"

    She likely doesn't want you wearing it because it means you're growing up, but if you can prove that you really are, with responsiblity, then that may help sway her.

  12. Moms don't think thongs are gross. Moms think thongs are a sign of having s*x. So the first thing you're going to need to do is convince her that you have no interest in anything but how comfortable they are. Offer to pay for them with your own money. Don't tell her all your friends have them. Moms do not care what other people's kids are doing, only their own. And if worse comes to worse, buy some really low cut bikini panties and wait another year before hitting her up about the thongs again.

  13. Yea I don't see why not, like everyone says they're just underwear, althought I don't find them to by comfy, I wear them when I have to wear a dress or when an outfit needs them

  14. yea its normal its just a different type of panty.. just go to the mall with your friend and buy some. vicky secrets and aerie got them for 5 for $25. they have other type of underwear not just thongs too!

  15. You're 13.  You don't need them.  And who in the world would let their 13 year old daughter get them?  That's ridiculous.

    Another thing.  Your parents are not a bank.  They shouldn't get you what you want just because you want it.  It is not something that you need.

    Don't'll make your parents not want to get them even more.

  16. um...i would say too young to wear them...but, idk, it's not me we're talking about..i think that if she says no, you should respect her choice..if you don't fight what she's saying now, maybe in a few years, if/when you ask again, she'll remember that you were a good kid and didn't whine and beg.

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