
How can I get my mooching brother out of my moms house?

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He sits in front of the TV all day, while my mom waits on him hand and foot. It got so bad where I dont even go to visit her anymore, cause I cant stand seeing him sit there. He is 37 with a college degree, but obviously doesnt use it. What can I tell my mom about her mooching son?




  1. I wish I could answer that question for you. My brother is 30 & lives with my parents. He keeps getting into serious relationships and moving in with these girls that he's known for (maybe) a month. Then they break up after a few months and he has to move back in. He takes money from my parents. He cheats them out of money. He assumes that they can afford anything since they both have good jobs. But they're constantly broke thanks to him. He has a great job himself, but wastes his money on alcohol, clothes, and probably drugs. It's ridiculous and it makes me very very sad. I'm sorry your'e in a similar situation. And I wish I could help you out.

  2. nothing so save your breath and go on with your life

  3. How can you get brother mooch out of moms house?

    They key words there is MOM'S HOUSE. You can't get him out, only SHE can.

    What can you tell her? Nothing that she doesn't already know. If mom didn't want him there, and you can bet she already knows he's a lazy mooch, she wouldn't have him there. Chances are, she even likes it. It probably makes her still feel needed as a parent as sad as it is.

    You CAN tell him however, that you HOPE he finds a girl that won't mind waiting on him like mom does, cause mom won't always be there.  

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