
How can I get my natural hair color back?

by  |  earlier

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I have naturally red hair, and I've died it a lot (brown or dark brown).

I just want my natural red back. So if anyone can help I'd really appreciate it. :)




  1. take a picture of you with your natural color (or of a person with a color close to your natural color) to the hair salon. get your hair stripped of all the color...then they have to dye your hair back to your natural color and when your hair starts growing out it will match better.

  2. Make sure you really want your naturall color first!

    If you are sure, then head down to the drugstore-buy a razor then shave it all off!

    Eventually your hair will grow back true to it's original color...

    Good luck!

  3. you just have to wait.

  4. i have the same question

  5. All, you have to do is get your hair colored to your natural hair color & then stop coloring your hair.

    If you do not like that option here is another:

    You, can just stop coloring your hair & then your natural hair color will come back by itself.

  6. I don't think there's a way yet to get natural hair color back. I would try looking for dyes that are as close to possible to your natural color.

  7. Dye it a color close to your natural shade... otherwise all you can do is let it grow out.

  8. wait for it to fade

  9. Your best bet is to go to a professional.  First you'll need to lighten your hair with, your best bet, a stripper.  Then dye your hair a shade of red closest to your natural colour.  But red dye is hard to keep because it wants to fade really quickly so you'll need to wash your hair is the coldest water you can stand (hot water/warm water opens up the pores and lets the dye out which makes the hair fade faster) and get a shampoo and conditioner specifically for red hair.

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