
How can I get my newborn to stop grazing his bottles?!?

by  |  earlier

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It's always an ounce here or an ounce there...then he'll sleep for a little bit and want more. I am not frustrated but if there is a trick I'd like to know it!




  1. Its easiest to get your baby on a schedule.  Don't just give him a bottle all of the time.  If he is formula fed, then offer him a bottle of about 2-4 ozs every 3-4 hours..  If its breat milk, feed him 15 minutes on each breast every 2-3 hours.

    As he gets older, he'll want more and more ounces.

  2. only give him his bottle every 2 hours. make a schedule up and start from the last time he ate and feed him 2 hours from then. if he's crying in between try holding him talking to him rocking him. He could have a tummy ache baby think when their bellies hurt it's because they are hungry, then they eat and it doesn't fix the problem. He my be having trouble digesting the formula your giving him. If the new schedule doesn't work I'd call the Doc and make an appointment.

  3. my son was like this from day one too!  I tried keeping him on a schedule like everyone was suggesting and my life was crazy.  He'd cry until his next bottle. and then only take a little.  then an hour later he'd be crying again!  Once I stopped that and fed him as he wanted it my life got a lot easier.  (until he developed a lactose intollerance and reflux:))  He also started sleeping better at night.  let him lead you.   I swear you won't regret it, you'll really be able to enjoy your time with him because you won't be trying to keep him to his schedule and he'll be happier for it too.   It doesn't hurt to try.  Once he gets older he will start to regulate it himself and take more during his feeding and space them out longer.

  4. You could try adding a little bit of rice cereal to his bottles to help him fill up a bit faster so he does get kind of a routine down. And thats what babies need after that first few weeks a schedule or they dictate to you the parents how high to jump to service their needs. Which never benefits anyone but them. Good luck and  I hope you rest up when you can.

    My oldest child was a grazer for her first 2 weeks, but adding the rice cereal to her bottles just a little bit, like a pinch at a time helped her fill her tummy and settle down a bit longer between feedings. It might work for you and your baby too.

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