
How can I get my nose to stop whistling?

by  |  earlier

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All day, this has been bugging me, and the thing is my nose has been whistling every time i breathe through my nose. It irritates me, and people around me as well (was at work today). I blew my nose a lot and I know for sure I am not stuffed up at all, so why does my nose keep whistling, and how can I get it to stop whistling? This happens the odd time out of nowhere my nose does this. How can I get my nose to stop whistling???




  1. breathe out of your mouth

  2. if you are still blowing your nose and it still "whistles" then there is a booger or something deep in your nasal pasage. Maybe hot steam from your shower will clear it.

    This works for me when my nose is stuffy:

    eat very spicy soup(or something else that is spicy with hot sauce;lots). The spicyness will cause your nose to clear the excess mucus; maybe this will stop your problem.

  3. HAHA, have no idea. Maybe your nose likes to play music. Who knows!

  4. just blow that **** out of there its prob just mucus or sumthing

  5. plug em' up

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