
How can I get my parents to adopt a little brother....?

by  |  earlier

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I need someone to pick on.




  1. Well done, Emily!!!  Well done!

  2. have faith

  3. you cant make ur parents do anything

    children are a big responsibility...but thats cute that u want a lil brother....even if its just to pick on them haha :P

  4. You can't. It's their decision. And... why adopt? Why not have a biological child?

  5. You know, that's a double edged sword.  You may get to pick on him but he gets to annoy the h**l out of you.  ;)

  6. Trust me, you don't want a sibling.

    I *had* one.  And it's h**l.  I loved her to death, but she was never what I wanted her to be.  

    And now that she's gone, and not coming back, I miss her like crazy.

  7. Ha ha!  My adopted 5 year old would love for me to adopt a little brother for her to pick on too :-)

  8. You're funny! I'm sure you also want someone to look you to you and follow you around while you pretend not to like it. Just tell the tah you're ready for them to add to the family. Maybe they can adopt an older child close to your age who would have a hard time being placed. It's great that you're open to this.

    Good luck

  9. probably not gonna happen.  don't get your hopes up.

  10. Maybe you should try a pillow and scream in it

  11. The experience is highly over-rated. They keep breaking your stuff, wearing your shoes... borrowing your Fav T-shirt wit out askin' .... and perving on your g/f  ~ flirting wit her when you are not watchin'..... highly over-rated experience ... then they get in to fights and expect you to come and risk being beaten up just for them.

    What do you get in return? Pranks... and a drunk MC at your wedding.

  12. why adopt?

    steal some viagra from the neighbors, crush it up and dissolve in daddy's lemonade nightly for one week, wait nine months, and poof! new baby brother;)

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