
How can I get my parents to help with the housework?

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We have a very small house so it shouldn't be too hard to clean (1 level. 3 beds, 1 and a half baths) but me (13) and my 15 year old sister just can't do it! We have school, sports, homework, and kids need some down time. We've tried to clean up, but our house is so piled up with my parents old junk, there's almost nothing we can do. (besides laundry, dishes, and yard work.) There's so much stuff we can't even vacuum! Which is pretty gross with two shedding kitties. We both keep our rooms very clean, and none of our things are outside of our rooms except for shower items and toothbrushes.

I've tried so hard to clean, but my parents get mad at me for moving their stuff. I don't know where they want it all! It's not like they don't have time to go through it, either. They're both retired and don't have much social lives. I'm not trying to be mean, but they watch tv all day. In fact, it's 11:00 am right now and they just popped in a movie.

Whenever I ask them to please help, they get all mad and tell me to clean the bathrooms. (pretty much the only thing I can do). They won't stop avoiding it. Ever since I was a tiny kid, our house has been piled with their stuff. It's gotten to the point where I can't even have my closest friends over. Please help me and my sister!




  1. One day when they aren't home, put all their stuff away.

    Tell them you and your sister pitched in and got a professional service to clean and that is what they did.

    Tell them you are sorry, you didn't know, but you and your sister will put all their c**p back if they want.

    You shouldn't be forced to clean your home with all that is going on with school and extra-curricular activities but sometimes you can't get away from lazy people with authority.

    When you are older and working a career you might have to deal with this all over again.

    To keep your sanity you will have to outsmart them.

  2. Send them to a movie, when they get back, you and your sis have all their stuff out in the front lawn and tell them to go through it or everything is going to the dump!!! You, might get in trouble but it will be worth it!!  

  3. Well, it seems those stuffs mean so much to them that they can.t get rid of it. Find opportunities in occasions .Tell them you are having visitors and that you will need some space or better yet throw a party for both of them invite their closest relatives and friends so you can suggest to reorganize the house for more space. Remove their stuff last, when organizing the house , ask suggestion from them. Remember to give importance to their ideas. I don't think anybody could resist a clean and well organized home. Good luck!

  4. I'm glad to see that you are not taking on their bad habits.

    It sound like they do not see their clutter as a problem, which will be tough for you to convince them otherwise.  Parent don't want to hear from their children that they are doing something wrong.

    I wold see if they would be willing to have an "organization day" where they can be convinced into perhaps organizing their stuff so it's easier for them to find.

    I don't know how much they would be into it, but there are some cable shows out there that attack situations like these - get your house cleaned, get it organized, get it remodeled, etc. Since they like watching TV so much, maybe they would be up for being on a TV show.  Maybe a third party would be a better at convincing them then you.  

    Speaking for 3rd party, do you have any relatives that would be able to convince  your parents to organize the house better?  How about any of their friends?  Maybe the can be shamed into organizing.  Just try to convey the fact that none of their important stuff will be thrown away,  it just needs to be organized better so it's not such a fire hazard.

    Good luck!  :-)

  5. Just clean your part of the house and leave the rest.

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