
How can I get my parents to let me get a hedgehog?

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Ok, I know i have alot of questions about hedgehogs and I promise this is the last one. My parents wont really say a yes or a no there like uh i dont know... And I dont know if thats a yes or no.. So how can I try to make them say yes. I begged but still... HELP i really want a Hedgehog! There so cute!!




  1. Don't beg!!! Just show them you are very responsible and show them all of the stuff you know about them. That way they'll take you seriously.

  2. How much do you know about hedgehogs? Never get a pet because they're cute. A lot of people do that, realize they can't handle it, then abandon them. You don't want to end up doing that.

    Do lots of research. Google is your friend here!! Google things like "pet hedgehog care" and "should i get a hedgehog." Then you can find out about their care needs, and whether you'll be capable.

    For example, did you know they live about 9 years? Will you be able to keep the hedgehog that long? What about when/if you go to college?

    They're also mildly lactose intolerant and shouldn't be fed dairy products. :)

    I don't know much about hedgehogs, I just googled and found some great sites.


    Know EVERYTHING there is to know about your new potential pet.

    If you do this, and tell your parents what you know, it may impress them. Although it's also possible your parents just don't have the money right now. I'm just getting out on my own and realizing how hard it is to have money for things, so cut them a little slack. ;P

  3. Try throwing yourself on the floor and banging your head until they say you can have a hedgehog, that's what my two year-old does and i'm assuming you are about the same age.

    However, hedgehogs are not meant to be pets. They tend to hate humans and p**s everywhere whenever one comes near them.

  4. this is a serious issue. open your arguement by stating that hedgehogs are the light in your world. without this hedgehog theres no point in living. proceed by getting on your hands and knees acting like a hedgehog to display the behaviors of your potential pet. finally, if there is still a controversy, simply end the arguement by saying that if you don't receive the hedgehog in 30 days they are subject to a life of disownment and distrust. then thank them for there time and go to the nearest target/walmart (perferably target walmarts a dump) and buy all of your desired pet products.

  5. Tel them you will take full responsibility for them and pay for food and all that nonsense or you could say there dying of extinction and you have to save them

  6. You should get your self informed about  these critters first and get all the info you can then sit down with folks and tell them all you know and you should go to a pet store and hold one and see if you are allergic to them. They are Nocturnal animals read up on the health problems they can get there food requirements the housing the feed  the care. What all you will be responsibly for the well being of such a tiny animal. Then sit down and figure all this up for a quick figure this will coast and inform folks them maybe you will be allowed to have one or two.

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