
How can I get my parents to trust me more?

by  |  earlier

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I got caught sneaking out one morning to go jog. It was a whole ordeal and they called the cops and everything.

That was 2 weeks ago and they said if I want to be allowed to do anything I have to earn their trust back. But i'm not exactly sure how i'm supposed to do that.

Any help?




  1. They are genuinely worried about you. The wouldn't act this way if they didn't care. The only way to gain trust is to build it. Show your parents you are getting over your eating disorder, and talk with them about it. They will feel much more comfortable about your freedom if they think you can talk to them openly.

  2. My sis had eating disorder & she got thin & composivly exercizing through jogging she was in cross country-She was in treatement for several months its been more than a year now & she wants to join cross country this year in the fall & my parents are'nt so sure they're not quite that strick as your parents sound but my sister would most likely continue to sneak out if she was caught. Don't be manipuative! For one do not do anything  that makes you feel guilty & alow them to see you eating normal-like noy wiping grease off but don't do it stricktly for instance don't be fake. Just find a way to geet close to them talk have some what of a relationship thats the most affective way of trust not to mention fast way for them to begin to let you do anything. Don't let them down, Anorexcia nervosa is the worst thing that will happen to a parents kids see them dying & all. In the mean time try to do something that settles your mind not like jooging which tells you, "you can go further just a little harder" you know


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