
How can I get my patented product into stores?

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It doesn't have to be big retailers, but I need some tips on getting started putting my product in displays in stores.




  1. You should go to locally owned small stores. Where u walk in and the owner is standing right there behind the cash register for you to talk to. However, it's good to show this owner that your product is a nifty one and will sell. Tr selling your product your self and make profit. Then when you can show the owner how well your item does...he may be more excited about keeping it in his store. If you can, put an add in the paper about your

    Word of mouth. Get you business cards and live by the "5 foot rule" ~~ everyone within 5 feet from you gets a card. When I started my daycare..I gave my card out to EVERYONE! I bought 500 cards from (really cheap) and within a week I had given out 400 of them.

    I talked to people in line at the grocery store...told them about my daycare..just a quick hello introducing myself and what I do. I was nervous as first...but found out quickly that people were REALLY nice. I also went to small shops and asked if I could put my card in their store. You can make colorful flyers about your product and post them on your town's bulletin board. Grocery stores have community bulletin boards...schools..flea markets...laundry mats.

    Do that! Then when you sell a good bit, you can go into the smaller shops in your area and have some backup evidence to your word.

    Good Luck.

  2. Dragons Den (HA HA)                                                                      But honestly try small retail companies so you can talk to the main man or larger companies should have a marketing sector available through head offices and then it should be a matter of meetings give it a try also what is the product so i know to buy one how bout a link to Ebay site

  3. go store to store and present your product. tell them that its not in many other stores and that its your patent. ask for store space for a day or so so you can personally show your product to customers. your probably gonna get rejected a few times but dont worry. be persistent and creative. if your product is a hit you can later hire a third party to distribute to the stores for you. good luck

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