
How can I get my play performed?

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I'm writing a play on a real-life subject that has already been covered about thirty years ago by a tony-award winning play and Oscar-nominated movie. Both the movie and play have gross historical inaccuracies, particularly the movie, which is well-known and well-loved.

I want to write a historically accurate account (as far as possible, while still looking into the diverse relationships of these real people) as a play and have it performed at my school or community theatre. I've already decided to give it a different title from the movie and play, so it will not be confused with either and so people can come see it as a blank slate.

However, I don't know how I can possibly get the play performed. I tried to direct the preexisting play version I mentioned at my high school, and three people auditioned out of about 1600 students. People disliked the subject matter, and some just disliked me, and didn't want to be in a play I'd be directing.

The play would involve no sexual content (except possibly a brief mention of Jack the Ripper) and some violence and blood. The topic of the play is not controversial. How could I get it performed, and get people to audition?




  1. It sounds like you want to re-imagine THE ELEPHANT MAN, from the clues you've dropped.  That might be a hard sell, considering the popularity and general excellence of the original play and film.  How about some other topic, perhaps even from the same era?  Lots of potential ideas out there.

    As far as getting your play performed, consider submitting it to a drama competition--get a copy of DRAMATISTS MARKETPLACE (might be PLAYWRIGHTS MARKETPLACE, it's been awhile since I saw a copy) and see what competitions are available, what type of plays they want (one act, drama, comedy, etc.), etc.  You might also just google "play competitions" or "playwriting competitions" to see what pops up.  Don't limit yourself to your school or community--let your work rise and fall against a larger competitive group.  And if you win, you probably wouldn't even have to direct it or make the other arrangements!  Good luck--and start searching.  

  2. Well I'm no professional. But maybe try asking an agency to look at your script and they might like it :)

  3. When you held auditions at school, did you include a catchy hook line to get people interested? Do they need to know you're the director? You can perform in an outside area, maybe a park with a large gazebo, market it as a play and picnic duo. You can post advertisements for auditions on fliers around your town, on craigslist, near high schools. Be sure to include the age group of the actors you want to include, and be sure to mention this is just for fun-- they won't be getting paid to do this. You'll also need other help, such as for costumes, props, a stage manager to make sure rehearsals are conducted properly and to keep props and such organized (can probably be the person doing costumes as well.) If you go with a park, or a local community center, be sure to look into getting permission for this before advertising, and have your play ready for them to read, or once again, have a hook line or an interesting, attention grabbing paragraph. If it's an educational thing, see if your school will give you the rehearsal and performance and storage space if you include children from your town who don't only go to your school.

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