
How can I get my psychologist to quit pushing medication?

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I've had a bad experience with medication and have made up my mind that for now I'm not willing to endure any new medication for my anxiety. Instead, I opted for a psychologist. I've made it very clear to him that regardless of whether or not medication could help, I'm not yet ready to take it and would prefer to do counseling alone for at least a few months. Every single session, he brings up medication. I can't find a psychologist who won't push meds on me (I have panic attacks). Do I not have the right to say "Not right now, thank you"? What can I say to get through to him? Thanks.




  1. As a counselor, I have experience in working on these kind of issues.  You absolutely have the right to determine the course of your treatment and refuse the medication.  This is your treatment.  Consider talking with your psychologist about this some more, letting him know that you appreciate his suggestions but that you want to be able to let him know when you are ready and that you would appreciate him not bringing it up anymore.  Let him know how you feel about him continuously bringing it up despite your wishes.

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