
How can I get my roommates to stop smoking pot inside our home?

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I recently moved into a house with 2 other guys. I made a verbal agreement with the one who is a heavy smoker that he would only smoke in his room with the door closed or outside. Our bedrooms, however, are adjacent to one another, and right after he smokes he opens the door and leaves it open. Since I'm not a smoker, I'm sensitive to the smell and I don't want to deal with it. When I asked him to keep his door closed last night, he told me that he lit a candle and that I couldn't smell it. What would be the best way to fix this situation?




  1. Move.  You voluntarily moved in there in the first place.  Your only options are to deal with it or move.  If its pot that he is smoking you could call the cops, but at the same time, you should tread that likely.  If you live there, you could also be charged.  You should just cut your losses and move.

  2. Polite,,,, have a conversation when he is not smoking, or just smoked, about how even with a "candle" you can still smell it.  Remind him, that a candle in the bathroom just makes it smell like someone left a t**d in the flower garden, it doesn't take the smell out the air.

    Less than polite,,,, pickeled eggs and cold beer, and fire up when he has a date over.  She'll ***** at him, and you can negotiate from a position of power.

    DOWN RIGHT UGLY,,,, if the cops were to come over, you would hauled down town with him,,,,and your other room mate as well.  Heaven forbid you got charged as an acessory.  What would that do to your future employment oppertunities?  The only option to save yourself, is to call the law yourself, and become the person filing the complaint.  It's amazing how many people think they have the "RIGHT" to participate in an illegal activitiy.  

  3. Move and find a place of your own.. cause sooner or later they will be caught and they will take the whole house to jail..They will assume everyones doing it, so then they will haul you all in, and ask questions after the fact.. save yourself the heartache and just find a different place..

  4. Start smoking so you won't be sensitive.

  5. I agree with whoever said "move." He's sticking to his end of the agreement. If the agreement isn't working out for you, that's your problem -- you can't make him change his end of the bargain. This time you'll know that you are always going to be aware that someone is smoking in the house, even if he does so with the door closed.

  6. I'd move.  You won't be able to fix this so all parties are happy.  Plus, you can get in trouble for any illegal substances found in your home, unless the other guy admits it's his.  Anyone with "access" to his room can be in trouble.

  7. There really isn't a good solution if you want to maintain a good relationship with him.  The problem comes in the original move of even living with him in the first place, if the smoke is something that bothers you.  

  8. Just one time call the officers and say you smell the smell in the area. Have them come do an investigation and when they find it is your house... You're safe because as long as you call the police and you tell them your name, you're the complainant so you'll be safe. Just pass a field THC test and they find there is no THC in your system... You'll be set.

  9. Yes..... if he gets busted everybody in the house is going to be busted. You have reasonable access. Plus you, your clothes and the entire house will smell like smoke to an officer. A candle will not do squat. Bad news.

    If this guy can't abide by your simple agreement do you really think that he will tell the police the truth if he gets busted?  

    You may wish to start thinking about moving before you get caught up in anything.  

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