
How can I get my sister to stay out of my room..

by  |  earlier

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she is driving me insane! she will come in early in the morning while i'm asleep to 'borrow' some of my things, and at night she'll always come in to take our cat roxy away when she's perfectly asleep on my bed. and not to mention when i tell her to stay out of my room, she will act like a little brat and also ignore me. haha i'm usually not this moody, but she is seriously invading my personal space..




  1. get a lock on your door and be sure your parents are aware of your problem

  2. If I were you, I would give her a taste of her own medicine. Try coming into her room early in the morning and taking her things. Break her down. Don't be overly mean, but do the same kinds of things that she does to you. When she complains, tell her that she is being hypocritical and that you can't take her complaints seriously until she stops doing the same things that she is protesting. If that doesn't work, appeal to your parents and get a lock on your door. If they won't allow that, try trashing your room and having lots of things on the floor, making it practically impossible to navigate. When she trips and falls on something, she'll think twice before coming in again. Good luck! Hope this helps!  

  3. f**t a lot so your room smells so bad she won't want to come in!  or, just lock your door!  no lock?  tape big duct tape x's over the door... if she wants to get through it will be like crawling through a sticky spider web.

  4. hide a starved rotweiler under your bed.

  5. i think her name is amanda.

  6. do what i did and get a lock for your door, they don't cost much and it will solve the problem

  7. Oh MY GOD!! thank you thank you thank you for asking this question!! I have the same problem!! My sister is in my bedroom at 8 am asking me ridiculous questions!! And whenever I have company she will not leave my room! It's getting seriously outta hand! And then when I try to tell my mom get's irritated with ME!! I have no lock at the moment though so this really sucks! And I totally agree with what everyone else said, give her a dose of her own medicine!!

    Well anyway...just wanted to say I kno what your going through! =]]

  8. She just wants your attention. She probably looks up to you. Talk to her and hang out with her. Invade her personal space and see how she reacts.

  9. i think i know you... is your name priscilla?

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