
How can I get my swimming times faster?

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What drills and land training are good for cutting your times?

I do a 1:06 for free, and would like to get under a minute. Any ideas?

What stuff could I do daily and what stuff in pool, like exercies?

My technique is fine but I think i need some more strength, especially in kicking?




  1. first of all a 1:06 for free could mean anything from 2 laps to a cagilion so next time specifie that but anyways i coach swim and i always have my kids to pilates and yoga for dry land and when you get in the pool just do sprints from a start with a looooooooooooooong interval. this is called tapering and will take your time down a lot (olympians do it before the olympics) and yeah thats pretty much it...oh and for the tapering just like dont wimp out i sugest 10 rounds of a sprint with a 7 minute rest for each of them. good luck!

  2. I would agree to stay away from weights as well. Use own body outside the pool to build muscle. LOTS of crunches, push ups, pull ups...all of these helped me tremendously. Also good workouts are sitting against a wall with you legs at a right angle holding a medicine ball in front of you trying to hold the position for a minute. squats are also good to improve your kicking power off the wall for flip turns

    GOOD me if you would like some more in depth exercises

  3. Stay away from weights ,

    the best way is to just swim as many laps as often as you can , 2plus hrs a day up and down.

    The more you develop and strengthen the muscles needed for crawl the faster you will go.

    hold a float and just kick for 30 Min's each day to get the legs going.

    and do a lot of sprints in between laps , go full out at least 2 of every ten laps.

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