
How can I get my teenage son to want to drive?

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I have what you could call a pretty easy going teenage son, who for the most part is pretty normal except when it comes to wanting to drive. He has his learner's permit and has gone to driver's ed, but has no interest in wanting to drive to get experience. He thinks he should be able to just get his license and a car and be OK with that. What can I do to get him motivated? HELP!!!




  1. Get him a super coll super expensive car......i tihnk that would work.

  2. when you need to go somewhere take him along and make him drive while you be the passenger.

  3. i am 17 and i dont want to and i am a girl he is prolly just scared like i am

  4. Ugh -- our daughter was the same and still doesn't drive, at age 30!  She is living in London now, where she doesn't need a car, and we wonder if she EVER will!  It's a pain in the neck, frankly.

    Is he scared, do you think?

  5. just start offering him when you go places if he wants to drive.

    like if you're going to the store be like: how about you drive?

    he's probably scared of crashing or something.  

  6. Just tell him if he doesn't pracice driving he can't get a car.

  7. Tell him that unless he practices more, you will not assist him with buying a car, plates, and insurance.  That ought to be reason enough for him to want to drive.

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